Practicing Awe and Wonder

As I was reading and studying this week about contemplation and living into my relationship with Christ, I heard this quote by Abraham Joshua Heschel – a Jewish philosopher.
“Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement; to get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes nothing for granted. Everything is phenomenal. Everything is incredible. Never treat life casually; to be spiritual is to be amazed.”
I find this goal resonating with me; to live life in amazement! Always amazed and surprised by what God has for me. To live life in awe and wonder is to see the world through different lens.
Laughter has always been an important experience in my relationships and I’ve learned that laughter is a physical process that allows us to relax. There is a hormonal release that reduces stress in our body, which is so important. I find that having a sense of silliness helps me to have the courage to leap into something new. I enjoy “Game Nights” with my adult children as we share the funny stories of what’s happening in our lives. Finding the humor in life is never too difficult for us.
As I share my Zoom Meeting experiences of the past month, being over 64 years old, trying to get technology to work for me. We all could laugh with me about my “older” friends desperately trying to connect! Being vulnerable and sharing my experiences helps my family see me. Humor and intimacy allow others to have a handle on who I really am!
Every life experience is a mirror for self-reflection. As I am more present in my human interactions, I experience intimacy; full of joyful gratitude and sadness. Gratitude that I’ve connected but sad that I haven’t always been able to do that. I am able to see my own imperfections. And, hopefully, I help others to see their imperfections.
You are enough as you are, perfectly imperfect!
-Cindy B.